Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Six weeks to 50 el bees

New Years is in SIX WEEKS.

Can you believe it?!

My apartment is a hot mess of boxes, animals, clothes and general debris at the moment. I am gearing up to move into my very own big girl house next week.  Yes. I bought a house. Hashtag DEBT.
Amongst the mess, I found a craftastic piece of cardstock with very carefully written goals for 2012 etched in colored sharpie. I examined my goals, somewhat skeptically, trying not to be too critical of my ability to stick with a plan. I'm a dreamer, so shoot me!?

    some of my goals: 
  • dedicate daily practice time to music (check and shameless self-promotion)
  • take an acting class (check)
  • apply to grad school (eehhhhhh)
  • workout 5days/week
  • lose 40lbs
If you had asked me last January, which of my 2012 goals seemed least attainable, I would have begrudgingly pointed to the last one. Lose 40 pounds. That's been on my list for several years. What a daunting number. FORTY. that's like half a backstreet boy.

BUT, as I've tooted several times during the past month. I did it! WOO!

So, now as 2012 comes to a close (WOAH) and I am BACK in action at good ol' Crossfit Stumptown,  I am challenging myself to lose another ten pounds by new years eve. 

So here's to the next six weeks, and ringing in 2013 fifty pounds lighter.