Saturday, September 28, 2013


SOBERTOBER is nearly upon us.
so no more of this...
 Sobertober is our Fall Fit Challenge 
(things look so much more official when you capitalize them). 

My lovely friends (and BRIDESMAIDS) Jenn and Em dreamed up this SOBERTOBER challenge and I've decided to take part because well... I love a good challenge... and I've been talked into writing up some meal plans. So now I think you all should do it too.

The focus of the meal plans will be primarily paleo or primal.  I'll be posting shopping lists and recipes each week. Look for an update each Saturday. Each recipe will make enough for a small family (or indicate otherwise), so you'll have leftovers! woo!

New to paleo?
Study this...

Or check out this awesome infographic from PaleoHacks. Its fantastic. Seriously. Go read it.

The other piece of the challenge is fitness focused, but that is customizable to you!

My fitness goals for October:
  • Continue my doubleunder awesomeness and learn to string them together. Practice these each time I work out.
  • CrossFit/BootyCamp four days per week
  • Do five unassisted kipping pull-ups
  • Compete in the Gorilla Take Over Garage Games
What are your goals? Weight loss? Muscle building? Extra bendy flexible awesomeness? All of the above? Write it down, post your goals in the comments below or if you know our awesomeness in real life--- join our SobeTober event on Facebook!

Friday, September 27, 2013

weddings and fitness and sugar OH MY


It has been brought to my attention that I am seriously slacking on my presence in the blogosphere.
Its not that I didn't want  to write anything, its just that I really didn't have a ton to say. 

This summer has been awesome and transformational in so many ways. Continuing to sculpt my booty at the Love Life Be Fit booty camp and working on my wedding arms at CrossFit Stumptown (did I mention Shane and I are engaged? WOOO)

My last post, Midway adjustments  (on what turned our to be an uber fail of a detox) really kind of sums that weird fitness funk I was going through last spring

But this summer, and especially September was a good turn around for me! I decided to embark on yet another 21 Day Sugar Detox because well I feel like there was a lot of this happening in my life....

and this

and not enough of this

So, I challenged myself to a 21 day sugar detox and ordered a pair of "goal jeans" to hopefully shimmy into at the end of the challenge. Fantastically enough, they fit PRE-CHALLENGE.

What up. Hullo size 8.

That's been my ultimate goal size since I was 16 years old, so needless to say, that was a pretty emotionally awesome night for me.  


In the middle of the WOD yesterday, something just CLICKED and I did one! And then I had to yell at myself to keep jumping. Then I did two, three, four, before thwacking the shit out of shins. But I was giggling and smiling like a maniac in the middle the gym. 

So life is pretty fuckin rad right now. I'm about to embark on SobeTober challenge with some of the most inspiring folks I know. I'll save the details for another post--- but full paleo, booty campin, boozless October filled fun.