Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Challenge Accepted

This May is going to be full of challenges: some work-related, some self-inflicted.

The first half of May, and really the weeks leading up to it, are the busiest time of the year for my office. Commencement is right around the corner (uh Sunday), and things are HIGH STRESS.

I'm trying to maintain the best of attitudes, but its a little intense.  I am frantically checking things off my to do list, trying to maintain a consistent presence at CrossFit, and desperately resisting the urge to drown my stress in bourbon and ice cream.

To focus my energies during this absurd time, and to help with the boozy ice cream float craving (sorry to plant THAT seed) 
I've decided to tackle another 21 Day Sugar Detox
This time....


31 days sans sugar....

Please note aforementioned self-inflicted challenges...


I'm doing it with the support of my one of my fantastic trainers, Emily Celichowski

I've been training with Em for a year and half now and thanks to her encouragement and training, I've gone through some incredible transformations.

  we do fun things like this
    These really get my heart rate up too

Okay not exactly like that... replace the kittens with kettle-bells, resistance bands, weighted plates or barbells... But Em spews sunshine, so really broad jumps around the block may well be as fun as playing with kittens, unless you're allergic to kittens... 

But really, this woman is incredible. She's demanding during workouts, constantly asking you to push yourself, but she always has a smile on her face.

So some days I can't help but do a few moves like this...
Signature dance move right there... oh yaaaa

If you're in the Portland neighborhood, you should for sure take advantage of any opportunity to train with her. 
Interested? Wanting to shape up for Portland "summer"?
 Lucky for you... Em is now teaching a new outdoor boot camp through Honest PT. 
She's put together a 10 Week Summer Slim Down for all those wanting to show off that new bra top at the lloyd center this summer, or perhaps just feel and look like a badass. 
Either way, its a full meal STEAL OF A DEAL: killer workouts, nutrition guide, and fantastic coaching. Ch-ch-ch check it out! 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Starting slow isnt my strong suit.

A pinched rib and super inflamed muscles kept me from doing pretty much anything for the last month. But! I  got clearance from the doctor last week to slowly start working out again.

Well. I slowly dove headfirst back into workouts this week and its been glorious.

Tuesday and Thursday, I hauled my half-asleep ass out of bed at five in the goddamn morning to go lift heavy shit at CrossFit Stumptown.

Tuesday: 13:09
3 Rounds For Time Of:
  • 400m Run
  • 20 KB Swings (53/35)
  • 10 HSPU
Thursday: 3 R + 1 burp
 AMRAP 15 Minutes:
  • 25 Double Unders or 100 singles
  • 20 KB Push Press (10 per arm) (53/35)
  • 15 Burpees

This weekend though was the greatest. 

Emily Celichowski thoroughly kicked my booty Saturday and Sunday. I've been training with her for a year and half now-- first at Portland Fit Body Bootcamp, now at CrossFit Stumptown. And NOW this badass woman is on her way to starting her own outdoor bootcamps.


Liz Evans, Emily Celichowski, Jessi Garver and Jenn St. John killin it. 

 So if you're in the Portland area, you should for sure check her out. She radiates sunshine and smiles, so when she asks you to do 10,000 burpees or lunge around the block 
you really don't mind  

 Both hour long workouts left me collapsed stretched out on the floor, in a pool of sweat, with steam coming off my body.  
Sexy. I know. 
But hot damn, it is the greatest feeling.

 I love crossfit but there is something unbelievably satisfying about a boot camp style workout, especially those written by EmC. 
Saturday's partner wod by Em... Jen and I managed to finish 17 rounds during the AMRAP. Cue: pool of sweat. 

 Still amped up on adrenalin from lunging around the block (no I didnt make that up), the Suzz managed to talk me into going climbing at The Circuit Sunday afternoon.
Suzz climbs the inverted wall like a goddamn champ.
flying up the wall in my orange rockstar pants.

 The weekend was so gloriously active. I love it. Now I am starting this week off energized and moderately stress-free.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

27 small steps to go

I freaked out earlier this year from the seemingly backwards weight gain from my newly dedicated crossfit lifestyle. I'm also sure it had nothing to do with holiday treats and sweets.

But after reigning in my sweet tooth through the 21 Day Sugar Detox and focusing on healthy habits (like sleeping!),  I've finally shed that stubborn seven pounds and happily not in the form of muscles. I like my guns, thank you very much!

Using the pittance of pocket money I could scrounge up, I was able to purchase few key wardrobe upgrades. Wearing the same damn pair of pants almost daily gets really old.

I surprisingly slipped into a size 8 dress. Two sizes smaller than I was at Christmas this year, but my weight is the exact same. It was a good lesson in remembering that the scale is not always an accurate representation of progress.

I have twenty seven pounds to go until I hit my ultimate goal weight. Twenty seven, that's it. I can do this right? Admittedly, I am longing for the early weight loss days, when I was seeing the scale drop three pounds a week, sometimes more. Its much more difficult now. My body composition has changed drastically (yay) but that makes it more difficult to lose that last bit.  

This coming summer is going to be full of huge life changes. I'm sending off four of my closest friends to LA, house changes are frequent and will continue, people are moving in and out, friends are getting married etc. etc.

I want to be prepared to tackle this exciting and stressful time and hit my UGW by the end of July.

Sixteen weeks. 
         Full of: Crossfit. Plenty of sleep, plenty of water and plenty of sunshine(here's hoping).

Fifty down, twenty-seven to go.

Best friend Britt tells it like it is:

Liz: Thats 1.75 pounds per week to lose
          I CAN DO THIS 
Britt:  YES YOU CAN!!
           SI SE PUEDE!!!
            listen to dora
          she's fuckin explorin
          and she doesnt give a SHIT what anybody else thinks