Thursday, April 11, 2013

27 small steps to go

I freaked out earlier this year from the seemingly backwards weight gain from my newly dedicated crossfit lifestyle. I'm also sure it had nothing to do with holiday treats and sweets.

But after reigning in my sweet tooth through the 21 Day Sugar Detox and focusing on healthy habits (like sleeping!),  I've finally shed that stubborn seven pounds and happily not in the form of muscles. I like my guns, thank you very much!

Using the pittance of pocket money I could scrounge up, I was able to purchase few key wardrobe upgrades. Wearing the same damn pair of pants almost daily gets really old.

I surprisingly slipped into a size 8 dress. Two sizes smaller than I was at Christmas this year, but my weight is the exact same. It was a good lesson in remembering that the scale is not always an accurate representation of progress.

I have twenty seven pounds to go until I hit my ultimate goal weight. Twenty seven, that's it. I can do this right? Admittedly, I am longing for the early weight loss days, when I was seeing the scale drop three pounds a week, sometimes more. Its much more difficult now. My body composition has changed drastically (yay) but that makes it more difficult to lose that last bit.  

This coming summer is going to be full of huge life changes. I'm sending off four of my closest friends to LA, house changes are frequent and will continue, people are moving in and out, friends are getting married etc. etc.

I want to be prepared to tackle this exciting and stressful time and hit my UGW by the end of July.

Sixteen weeks. 
         Full of: Crossfit. Plenty of sleep, plenty of water and plenty of sunshine(here's hoping).

Fifty down, twenty-seven to go.

Best friend Britt tells it like it is:

Liz: Thats 1.75 pounds per week to lose
          I CAN DO THIS 
Britt:  YES YOU CAN!!
           SI SE PUEDE!!!
            listen to dora
          she's fuckin explorin
          and she doesnt give a SHIT what anybody else thinks

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