Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Gorilla Takeover my life


What a month this has been! 

I'll go ahead and pat myself on the back and call it a success. 

This was less about boozing for me (I'll admit--  I had a few glasses of wine sporadically) because I rarely drink anyway, but more about keeping my diet in line and focusing on some fitness goals.

My fitness goals for October:
  • Continue my double-under awesomeness and learn to string them together. Practice these each time I work out. YEAH BABY! I did it. I can string my double unders together without singles in between. Not super consistently yet, but hey it is undeniable progress!
  • CrossFit/BootyCamp four days per week I faltered here a bit due to a stupid dumb dumb stupid cold, but I made consistent attendance.
  • Do five unassisted kipping pull-ups Yeah no. Close but no cigar. Still working towards this!
  • Compete in the Gorilla Take Over Garage Games AH HELL YEAH I DID. 
So I am going to focus on my last goal of competing in the Gorilla Take Over.
The competition was held over two days. Three WODS on Saturday and then two on Sunday (including the finals.)

I competed in the individual women's scaled division.

Holy Ballz. 
Me and my fabulous lady friend/coach/judge/cheerleader extraordinaire, EM

This was an absolutely amazing weekend and while I am still tired and sore, I cannot wait to do it again. Just watching and cheering for the other competitors was exhilarating. One woman brought me to tears as she completed a 345 pound dead lift. And no I was not crying because of the assumed pain she would be in tomorrow. But I could relate to the mental and physical duress she just overcame in that moment. These competitors are so dedicated and it requires so much emotionally and physically. It was incredible to watch her set a new PR. I am so thankful for my coaches Tony, Joon and Emily for pushing me to do this, plus the fabulously supportive fitfam, who cheered throughout the weekend.

One of the best parts though---I got to share this weekend with my mom. She came down to do some wedding dress shopping (I SAID YES to the dress...) and I talked her into staying for part of the competition. It was very reminiscent of my volleyball tournament days, bleacher butt and all,  and I loved sharing this huge part of my life with her. At one point she got the entire bleacher section cheering for me. I am so lucky.

My goals for the weekend were to:

  • Finish all the WODs under the time cap
  • PR my deadlift (previous max was 175) and break 200 pounds
  • Make it to the final WOD
  • If I made it to finals, not to finish last.

WOD 1:

500M Row
Thrusters (#45)
Box Jumps (20in) 
TC 10:00

Okay. See the maniac rowing in the middle of the back row? Yeah that crazy chick who is doing two for ones for everyone's pulls? Dont you want to scream at her to slow the hell down?

yeah. Where were you saturday morning?!
Mom's handy ipad cam proves my insanity
I jumped on the rower and all the advice I'd heard ("dont burn out on the row" "take it easy" "pace") flew right out my head. Pure adrenalin took over and I rowed like my life depended on it.
thanks to TA Barnhart for capturing this moment
Unfortunately, when I stepped off the rower, my legs turned to jello. I battled through the thrusters and box jumps (coughSTEPUPScough) and managed to finish in 7:18.
(c)TA Barnhart

Thank god.

WOD 2 
Ten minutes to find a 1 Rep Max Deadlift

OMG most rewarding WOD award goes to....WOD 2!

I've never REALLY pushed myself to find my deadlift max. I stopped around #175 and never pushed further. Obviously, competition is not the place for that mentality. My goal was to break #200 and I fucking smashed it.

This is attractive....

I PR-ed at #245!!!!!
I had four failed attempts at #255 and am still kicking myself for not being able to get that shit off the ground. BUT it was SUCH an awesome feeling to push myself so damn hard. I had a phenomenal group of cheerleaders screaming their fool heads off and my mom even got her section of bleachers to root for me.

WOD 2 went straight into the next WOD
WOD 3:
10 Kb Swings #35
25 Yard Farmers Carry #80
8 Modified Rope Climbs
25 Yard Farmers Carry #80
(TC: 10:00)

25 yrd farmers carry with #160

I'd like to point out that the Farmer's Carry (pictured above) is #80 in each arm. #160 TOTAL.
But right after lifting #245, that #160 felt like nothing. And in fact, the #35 KB swing was dangerously light in comparison... I almost chucked it. whoops!

That night I went home and inhaled my dinner--- I was ravenous, rightly so, I'd say.  I passed out at the respectable time of 8:45pm gearing up for the next day. 

Note: I did have to be pushed/rolled out of bed in the morning and not because I was unwilling to leave my pillow.... little sore...

Shane was my cheerleader for Sunday and was at the sideline of each event screaming, cheering and capturing some of my crazy faces. Thank god there isn't any video.

Sunday morning kicked off with  
WOD 4: the chipper from hell

60 double unders or 180 singles
50 wall ball squats (#14)
40 burpees, jump to the plate
30 ab mat sit ups
20 lunges with wall ball
10 hand release plyo pushups
20 lunges with wall ball (#14)
30 ab mat sit ups
40 burpees, jump to the plate
50 wall ball squats (#14)
60 double unders or 180 singles
 TC 25:00

Okay mind you, my body is spent from SATURDAY and now I have to work my way through this bullshit?!?
Wall ball

Sit up, convince self that you are not dying, laydown. Repeat.

Weighted lunges.

FORTY BURPEES... twice. so EIGHTY BURPEES. *Whine alert*  burpees suck in general, but they really suck after doing 50 wall balls and they REALLY SUPER SUCK after doing three WODs the previous day.
Hurdle body at ground
Jump onto plate
Un-hurdle body and throw feet forward

take nap on plate.

This workout became so much more mentally challenging than anything (though my quads still beg to differ)

 I had several mantras running through my head, some helpful, some not.

"Stupid dumb stupid legs" this was also combined with punching my quads to remind them to work. 
"Fuck burpees, fuck this, why am I doing this"
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming."
"I paid to do this, maybe I am clearly crazy"
"only 500000 reps to go"

Eventually, I did make it back down the other side of the pyramid. I powered through my wall balls and with less than 30 seconds left in the time cap, I threw everything I had left into jumping rope. I managed to knock out 55 singles before time was called. 125 jumps short of completely finishing. BUT as Em reminded me, I finished all the hard stuff. If there was just another 30 secs, I would have finished. I'll take it as a win. 

I walked away, shaking, exhausted, high from endorphins (not high enough though thank you) and slightly bummed because I figured since I hadn't finished, I wasn't going to make it finals. 

BUT duh dun duhhhh!!! I did! Holding on to the number 9 spot in my division, I got to move on!

CUE Happy Face! 

Or "Shit-yay-excited-wait-this-means-I-have-to-do-another-workout" pained expression.

The last WOD was exhausting, mentally and physically. 

Final WOD
Sweet sixteen sprints buy in
Straight into D.T.
12 Deadlifts (#85)
9 hangcleans (#85)
6 shoulder to overhead press (#85)
Sprint buy out
TC 15:00

16 Sprints.
12 Deadlifts

9 Hang cleans
6 shoulder to overhead

 The coolest thing about this community is that the very people you are competing against, are the same folks that are cheering you on. This is something I believe is unique to the CrossFit community.  I was well behind the other women in my division for this WOD and ended up being the last to finish. But I don't think I would have finished, had I not had a gaggle of people surrounding me, cheering like maniacs for me to get the bar in the air.  I sprinted my last bit and finished at 14:11.

At the end of the weekend, I'd managed to hold on to my number nine position in my division meeting my goal of not being last (aim for the stars).

My fabulous friends, family, and fitfam really made this weekend remarkable for me.


My take-away from the weekend: "Tell your Mind to get out of your Body's Way"

Saturday, September 28, 2013


SOBERTOBER is nearly upon us.
so no more of this...
 Sobertober is our Fall Fit Challenge 
(things look so much more official when you capitalize them). 

My lovely friends (and BRIDESMAIDS) Jenn and Em dreamed up this SOBERTOBER challenge and I've decided to take part because well... I love a good challenge... and I've been talked into writing up some meal plans. So now I think you all should do it too.

The focus of the meal plans will be primarily paleo or primal.  I'll be posting shopping lists and recipes each week. Look for an update each Saturday. Each recipe will make enough for a small family (or indicate otherwise), so you'll have leftovers! woo!

New to paleo?
Study this...

Or check out this awesome infographic from PaleoHacks. Its fantastic. Seriously. Go read it.

The other piece of the challenge is fitness focused, but that is customizable to you!

My fitness goals for October:
  • Continue my doubleunder awesomeness and learn to string them together. Practice these each time I work out.
  • CrossFit/BootyCamp four days per week
  • Do five unassisted kipping pull-ups
  • Compete in the Gorilla Take Over Garage Games
What are your goals? Weight loss? Muscle building? Extra bendy flexible awesomeness? All of the above? Write it down, post your goals in the comments below or if you know our awesomeness in real life--- join our SobeTober event on Facebook!

Friday, September 27, 2013

weddings and fitness and sugar OH MY


It has been brought to my attention that I am seriously slacking on my presence in the blogosphere.
Its not that I didn't want  to write anything, its just that I really didn't have a ton to say. 

This summer has been awesome and transformational in so many ways. Continuing to sculpt my booty at the Love Life Be Fit booty camp and working on my wedding arms at CrossFit Stumptown (did I mention Shane and I are engaged? WOOO)

My last post, Midway adjustments  (on what turned our to be an uber fail of a detox) really kind of sums that weird fitness funk I was going through last spring

But this summer, and especially September was a good turn around for me! I decided to embark on yet another 21 Day Sugar Detox because well I feel like there was a lot of this happening in my life....

and this

and not enough of this

So, I challenged myself to a 21 day sugar detox and ordered a pair of "goal jeans" to hopefully shimmy into at the end of the challenge. Fantastically enough, they fit PRE-CHALLENGE.

What up. Hullo size 8.

That's been my ultimate goal size since I was 16 years old, so needless to say, that was a pretty emotionally awesome night for me.  


In the middle of the WOD yesterday, something just CLICKED and I did one! And then I had to yell at myself to keep jumping. Then I did two, three, four, before thwacking the shit out of shins. But I was giggling and smiling like a maniac in the middle the gym. 

So life is pretty fuckin rad right now. I'm about to embark on SobeTober challenge with some of the most inspiring folks I know. I'll save the details for another post--- but full paleo, booty campin, boozless October filled fun.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mid-Way Adjustments

So my month-long May challenge has reached the half-way point. I had every intention of going full-bore, super strict, sugar is the devil, I will rid my life of everything sweet- ass kicking mode.

That's not exactly how things have panned out, but I refuse to say the first half of this month hasn't been successful.
Shane and I have not only decided to run a half-marathon, we've even started our training program. Last night was our first run---nailed it, bam bitches.

Run run ya'll

Annnnnnnd now on Saturdays we roll out of bed and train at Em's
outdoor bootcamp in the beautiful Irving park.

Last summer, we were the couple that beat the heat by sprawling in front of the ac unit to watch tv. Now we are climbing, disc golfing, running and lunging around public parks.

So yes, this month challenge has changed, but my goals have too.
I started my first 21-day sugar detox in March because I felt like my 80/20 approach to diet had become more like 60/40 (sixty for who and forty for who?!) and my weight loss had stalled considerably.
I reigned in my sweet tooth and developed a more conscious awareness of what was on the end of the fork. Great.

But like many before me--- I falter at what to do on day 22! How do I apply all the things I learned during this detox to real life. I started to feel like I was off track again, thus the reason for wanting to jump back into another detox. But, I've started to realize I forget there is a reason its a 21-Day detox or a Whole30 and not a 365 fast.

If I consume something that is wildly outside my dietary lifestyle (sigh there was a mini- apple-turn over incident during the Dalai Lama visit) is it a fail or simply a choice? I really appreciate the Whole9 article approaching this very topic: hypocritical or human? 

Sometimes you can't turn down an opportunity to try a really delicious bourbon or scotch, especially after dealing with angry parents for three hours straight (#commencementticketfail #longstory #Ilovehashtags).


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Challenge Accepted

This May is going to be full of challenges: some work-related, some self-inflicted.

The first half of May, and really the weeks leading up to it, are the busiest time of the year for my office. Commencement is right around the corner (uh Sunday), and things are HIGH STRESS.

I'm trying to maintain the best of attitudes, but its a little intense.  I am frantically checking things off my to do list, trying to maintain a consistent presence at CrossFit, and desperately resisting the urge to drown my stress in bourbon and ice cream.

To focus my energies during this absurd time, and to help with the boozy ice cream float craving (sorry to plant THAT seed) 
I've decided to tackle another 21 Day Sugar Detox
This time....


31 days sans sugar....

Please note aforementioned self-inflicted challenges...


I'm doing it with the support of my one of my fantastic trainers, Emily Celichowski

I've been training with Em for a year and half now and thanks to her encouragement and training, I've gone through some incredible transformations.

  we do fun things like this
    These really get my heart rate up too

Okay not exactly like that... replace the kittens with kettle-bells, resistance bands, weighted plates or barbells... But Em spews sunshine, so really broad jumps around the block may well be as fun as playing with kittens, unless you're allergic to kittens... 

But really, this woman is incredible. She's demanding during workouts, constantly asking you to push yourself, but she always has a smile on her face.

So some days I can't help but do a few moves like this...
Signature dance move right there... oh yaaaa

If you're in the Portland neighborhood, you should for sure take advantage of any opportunity to train with her. 
Interested? Wanting to shape up for Portland "summer"?
 Lucky for you... Em is now teaching a new outdoor boot camp through Honest PT. 
She's put together a 10 Week Summer Slim Down for all those wanting to show off that new bra top at the lloyd center this summer, or perhaps just feel and look like a badass. 
Either way, its a full meal STEAL OF A DEAL: killer workouts, nutrition guide, and fantastic coaching. Ch-ch-ch check it out! 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Starting slow isnt my strong suit.

A pinched rib and super inflamed muscles kept me from doing pretty much anything for the last month. But! I  got clearance from the doctor last week to slowly start working out again.

Well. I slowly dove headfirst back into workouts this week and its been glorious.

Tuesday and Thursday, I hauled my half-asleep ass out of bed at five in the goddamn morning to go lift heavy shit at CrossFit Stumptown.

Tuesday: 13:09
3 Rounds For Time Of:
  • 400m Run
  • 20 KB Swings (53/35)
  • 10 HSPU
Thursday: 3 R + 1 burp
 AMRAP 15 Minutes:
  • 25 Double Unders or 100 singles
  • 20 KB Push Press (10 per arm) (53/35)
  • 15 Burpees

This weekend though was the greatest. 

Emily Celichowski thoroughly kicked my booty Saturday and Sunday. I've been training with her for a year and half now-- first at Portland Fit Body Bootcamp, now at CrossFit Stumptown. And NOW this badass woman is on her way to starting her own outdoor bootcamps.


Liz Evans, Emily Celichowski, Jessi Garver and Jenn St. John killin it. 

 So if you're in the Portland area, you should for sure check her out. She radiates sunshine and smiles, so when she asks you to do 10,000 burpees or lunge around the block 
you really don't mind  

 Both hour long workouts left me collapsed stretched out on the floor, in a pool of sweat, with steam coming off my body.  
Sexy. I know. 
But hot damn, it is the greatest feeling.

 I love crossfit but there is something unbelievably satisfying about a boot camp style workout, especially those written by EmC. 
Saturday's partner wod by Em... Jen and I managed to finish 17 rounds during the AMRAP. Cue: pool of sweat. 

 Still amped up on adrenalin from lunging around the block (no I didnt make that up), the Suzz managed to talk me into going climbing at The Circuit Sunday afternoon.
Suzz climbs the inverted wall like a goddamn champ.
flying up the wall in my orange rockstar pants.

 The weekend was so gloriously active. I love it. Now I am starting this week off energized and moderately stress-free.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

27 small steps to go

I freaked out earlier this year from the seemingly backwards weight gain from my newly dedicated crossfit lifestyle. I'm also sure it had nothing to do with holiday treats and sweets.

But after reigning in my sweet tooth through the 21 Day Sugar Detox and focusing on healthy habits (like sleeping!),  I've finally shed that stubborn seven pounds and happily not in the form of muscles. I like my guns, thank you very much!

Using the pittance of pocket money I could scrounge up, I was able to purchase few key wardrobe upgrades. Wearing the same damn pair of pants almost daily gets really old.

I surprisingly slipped into a size 8 dress. Two sizes smaller than I was at Christmas this year, but my weight is the exact same. It was a good lesson in remembering that the scale is not always an accurate representation of progress.

I have twenty seven pounds to go until I hit my ultimate goal weight. Twenty seven, that's it. I can do this right? Admittedly, I am longing for the early weight loss days, when I was seeing the scale drop three pounds a week, sometimes more. Its much more difficult now. My body composition has changed drastically (yay) but that makes it more difficult to lose that last bit.  

This coming summer is going to be full of huge life changes. I'm sending off four of my closest friends to LA, house changes are frequent and will continue, people are moving in and out, friends are getting married etc. etc.

I want to be prepared to tackle this exciting and stressful time and hit my UGW by the end of July.

Sixteen weeks. 
         Full of: Crossfit. Plenty of sleep, plenty of water and plenty of sunshine(here's hoping).

Fifty down, twenty-seven to go.

Best friend Britt tells it like it is:

Liz: Thats 1.75 pounds per week to lose
          I CAN DO THIS 
Britt:  YES YOU CAN!!
           SI SE PUEDE!!!
            listen to dora
          she's fuckin explorin
          and she doesnt give a SHIT what anybody else thinks

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

21 Day Sugar Detox

March 4, I kicked off the 21 Day Sugar Detox, or the Whole 30 on crack as I like to call it, through balanced bites.

My weight loss has slowed substantially since the holiday season and while I could tell my body composition was changing, its been fairly discouraging to see the scale stuck in one spot (or creeping up in the wrong direction).

There hasn't been anything inherently wrong with my diet. I'm sticking fairly close to my paleo(or primal) 80/20 rule, but that 80 has been comprised of a lot of fruit and nuts (paleo sugar!!!) and some not so careful label reading. Thus the stall in a year's worth of infinite progress.

Which brought me to the sugar detox.

I unknowingly chose both the best and worst time to attempt the 21 day sugar detox.
A back injury half-way through, kept me from my beloved Crossfit stumptown, but my 25th birthday brought the temptation of booze and sweets on several occasions.

However, in spite of temptation the detox went well. I did allow some cheats, but they were methodical and planned out, not the source of giving in or stress.

In 21 days, I lost 5.5 pounds and dropped a pant size, which is GREAT. 


More importantly, I learned some valuable things about my emotional response to food and 
kicked(or slowed) some bad habits.

  •  Ode to artificial sweetener! 
    • The plague of diet soda had crept back into my life, almost on a daily occurence. Something about diet dr. pepper just brings joy to my life. But as my sister would say, its cancer in a bottle, so I said buhbye to it this whole detox. BAM. 
    • GUM. I swear I am a serial gum chewer. I chew a pack a day, constantly smacking my jaw up and down, popping winterfreshy goodness with my tongue. Its absurd. Somehow, I managed to nix this habit through the whole detox (save one "I just ate fish" necessity). 
  • Fruit was my go-to snack
    • I come home from work, I go straight to the fruit bowl for an apple, orange or banana. Same story if I'm hungry at desk. Sometimes is dried cherries, apples, or banana chips. Never carrots or celery. 
    • I had to come up with new snack ideas
      • Green Apples with homemade sunbutter
      • hard-boiled eggs
      • sliced ham or turkey lunch meat with carrots or celery
      • Or just drinking tea or water, because I wasn't hungry, I was bored!
  • Stress equals sweet-tooth.
    • Anytime I got overwhelmed or stressed I discovered my initial response was to walk straight towards the treat door for some dark chocolate or really whatever I could find. 
      • The detox forced me to find other ways to unwind. Now, I make a cup of tea, take a walk with the dog, or practice my piano to quell the crazy.
  • Emotional Balance
    • I've always known that the less sugar dependent I am, the more balanced I feel, but I never realize to what extent it is until I remove sugar completely. 
    • After the first week, allowing my body to adjust to the fact that I wasn't going to get that banana or dark chocolate fix, I started to feel better. My energy was up, my sleep was deeper, and the fact that I couldn't make it to the gym was far less emotionally-disastrous than it would have been a month ago.

I broke my sugar fast this weekend at my family birthday celebration with some delicious peach crisp my lovely sister made for me. So sweet, so good, but I couldn't finish the helping I was served. Truly a treat, instead of a staple. I'll surely incorporate fruit back into my diet, but with more moderation and care than previously exercised.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

It seems backwards.

 I've been toting my recent weight loss accomplishments, only to step on the scale this morning and see a not so friendly number.

I'm up seven pounds.

This is me not freaking out (this is me lying).

I've heard rumors of the initial crossfit gain, but I certainly didn't believe it. I mean I've been doing crossfit for months? ehh.... not really. Going a couple times few weeks is not enough to really shock the system.
But the past few weeks.... I've been working my ass off getting to class at least four times/ week and rocking it, if I do say so myself.

This article shed some helpful light on the ups and downs of starting crossfit

My fabulous friend Jen also put it perfectly "I guess that since we are super buff and fit as shit, we are going to have to get used to weighing a little more while being smaller"

I'll take it. 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Benchpressing backstreet boys

 I've started to naturally wake up at 4:30am
 which really is just plain rude. 
Granted my alarm is set for 4:45am.......but those extra 15 minutes make a big difference.....

This week has been tough, but successful in the super non-scale-victory kind of way.
1RM of #123

During PE or track in high school, we'd spend time in weight conditioning. To be perfectly honest, I enjoyed those days the most--- because if we were inside the weight room, we weren't outside running. I'd like to smack my former self.
For as athletic as I was, and I've always been strong, I didn't know how to push myself or to use my muscles efficiently. Bench pressing the 45 pound bar was nearly impossible to me.

This week at Stumptown, we are establishing our 1RM and its a little nerve wracking to me still.

Thursday, I shimmied under the bar to do some warm-up presses--- nervously hoping that the work I've put in during the past few years won't magically dissipate as I lift the bar off the hooks. Its easy peasy, to my relief. So we add weight, and then some more, and then a little more. As I lowered a solid 95# down onto my chest and then pushed it into the air, the woman lifting with me said I made it look easy, slicing the air like butter. It was such a delight to me. Granted, #95 is not some world feat or particularly impressive in the grand scheme of things, but I am elated with myself.

I think the best part of crossfit is walking into a workout filled with preconceived notions about what I can and can't do, and then smashing those doubts with every rep and drop of sweat. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Death by Crossfit: 2013 look out

2013 is off to a great start

I bought a car,  I now haul my ass out of bed at 5am almost every day, and work my butt off till I drop; all for the love of crossfit. 

But, let me tell you.



Some of the delightful WODs I endured this week have really made simply walking a torturous event. Lets not even talk about sitting to standing...

Evil wheels are indeed, evil.

This mornings workout.... death by burpees. 20 minutes of Burpee filled hell.

I have never been so sore. Granted, I feel f*cking amazing, so its totally worth it.


Friday, January 18, 2013

2012 BAM

So this would be my belated happy new year in review blah blah blah post. 

2012 was an incredible year of transformation for me.
  • I finally started recording music with the amazing Kelsey Anderson
Check out some of our work on the youtubes
  • I bought a house!!!
Someone, somewhere thought it was a great idea to loan a single 24 year old woman with copious student loan and credit card debt an exorbitant amount of money. Thank god they did, because I now have a charming Portland 1950s bungalow to call home.

  • I totally transformed my diet and the way I approach nutrition
Vegan to Paleo. What a trip. I reread a post from my super skeptical self from January 2012. Its pretty evident that I thought this paleo shmaleo thing was a load of crap. (Read for yourself) But as you may have guessed, now, a year later, I am a huge proponent of the Paleo or Primal lifestyle. It has completely changed my life, and I dont just meant the smaller pants I can now shimmy into. I am significantly healthier, emotionally and physically.

  • I lost 50 net pounds, 66lbs of fat, and 36.5 inches.
I worked my ass off for this loss (or gain, depending on how you look at it). The wonderful trainers at Portland FitBody Bootcamp played a huge role in my success and I am unbelievably grateful for all the support they provided.
Dec 2011
Sept 2012

"You hit your goal!" tackle and laugh. NYE 2012

I am excited for 2013. I am back in action at Crossfit Stumptown and am ready to rock the rest of my goals.

2013 Smashin Goals
  • Hit CrossFit at least 3/wk
  • Lose 30 pounds
  • Record and release an album with Kelsey Anderson
  • Practice music at least 3/wk
  • Save enough money to take the coveted disneyland trip with manfriend. Yes. That's on my list.