CrossFit makes me feel like a BEAST
in a good way...
I think...
I love feeling strong. I love pushing my body to the limits.
And thank fucking goodness I have found a place to do that. No. Not just do it. But pushes me to push myself. It is amazing.
I am in the midst of the Lurong Living Paleo Challenge. It's going well so far, but I swear my office is out to get me, ... offering candies... beer... soda... all things I so enjoy, yet cannot touch. On the other end of the spectrum, boyfriend won't even let me have a sip of his soda when I am DYING of thirst. Granted, that is exactly what I requested prior to the challenge, but I am not used to this whole "listening to what I say" thing he's trying ;)
Anywho, my w/o buddy and I are battling our way through the bench mark work outs. So far, we've checked off Randy (75 Power Snatches for time) and Christine (500m Row, 12 bw deadlifts, 21 box jumps; 3R for time)
Honestly, I have been fucking terrified before starting each one. But at the end, I feel AMAZING. Like woah. Holy ballz look what I just accomplished. Christine was tough, but I managed 123lbs for my dead lift!!!
Its moments like this, that I can't help but simultaneously revel in my sense of self-awesomeness and be insanely excited to see what my body can do in another six weeks.