Friday, September 28, 2012

feeling oh so strong and oh so fine.

CrossFit makes me feel like a BEAST

in a good way...
I think...

I love feeling strong. I love pushing my body to the limits. 
And thank fucking goodness I have found a place to do that. No. Not just do it. But pushes me to push myself. It is amazing. 

I am in the midst of the Lurong Living Paleo Challenge. It's going well so far, but I swear my office is out to get me, ... offering candies... beer... soda... all things I so enjoy, yet cannot touch. On the other end of the spectrum, boyfriend won't even let me have a sip of his soda when I am DYING of thirst. Granted, that is exactly what I requested prior to the challenge, but I am not used to this whole "listening to what I say" thing he's trying ;)

Anywho, my w/o buddy and I are battling our way through the bench mark work outs. So far, we've checked off Randy (75 Power Snatches for time) and Christine (500m Row, 12 bw deadlifts, 21 box jumps; 3R for time)

Honestly, I have been fucking terrified before starting each one. But at the end, I feel AMAZING. Like woah. Holy ballz look what I just accomplished. Christine was tough, but I managed 123lbs for my dead lift!!!

Its moments like this, that I can't help but simultaneously revel in my sense of self-awesomeness and be insanely excited to see what my body can do in another six weeks. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I hit a major milestone on Sunday.

In December, upon joining the fabulous Portland Fit Body Bootcamp, I set out to lose forty pounds in 2012.   A lofty goal, I thought. Secretly thinking there is no possible way I could achieve that. But I worked hard. I mean REALLY hard. And I did it. As of Sunday, I am down forty pounds, two (almost three pant sizes) and countless inches.

This year has been full of changes, both good and bad.  

heart break, new career, floods, finances(or lack of), vegan paleo, 
bootcamp, crossfit, love, music.

Its, admittedly, been a really tough year. Each day brings a new challenge. But with each little victory, I feel more prepared to hurdle the next obstacle.

I am, by no means, finished with my weight loss journey, but I do feel like I need to stop and celebrate! It makes those bad days, bearable, when I say "HOT DAMN LOOK WHAT I DID!"

Sunday, September 16, 2012

gym rat? I prefer junkie.

So life has been a bit chaotic lately.

I left my beloved Portland Fit Body Bootcamp for a myriad of reasons, mostly financial, but I wouldn't be 100% honest if I didn't admit I was desperate for something more intense.

Remember my new love crossfit?

Yeah. We are still pretty happy together.

I've settled into CrossFit Stumptown and am LOVING all the people I'm meeting. So motivated, dedicated and encouraging. It's been the energy boost I've needed to get back on track.

I attended the grand opening of CrossFit Milltown in the tiny town of Washougal, WA yesterday with my friend Jenn. The box was packed with 40-45 eager athletes, ready to get a killer WOD in. Brandon, the owner, has developed an awesome space out of an old garage and really has brought an energy to the neighborhood. I love witnessing how the crossfit community really encompasses people of all athletic ability who are driven to make positive, healthy changes in their lives.
Showing off our buff shoulders

Tomorrow, I'm starting the Lurong Living Paleo Challenge: a nine-week body busting, workout-filled, beast of a challenge. Pretty, freakin pumped to start. My adorable sugar-junkie of a boyfriend has even promised to be supportive and keep his sweet treats to himself. (I mean surprise ice cream is nice in thought, but I'd prefer flowers) :)

I have some pretty crazy goals for myself, but I fully plan on not just achieving them, but busting them up! I feel so STRONG and I cannot wait for the battles this challenge will bring!


Friday, September 7, 2012

Xfit= love. Plus Lurong Paleo Challenge


CrossFIT. My new love in life.

I've been an avid boot-camper for the past year with the fabulous Portland Fit Body Bootcamp. I have made some fabulous friends, shed nearly 40 pounds and rediscovered my love of intense fitness. 

Because I am feeling much more adventurous in my new athletic physique, I ventured to CrossFit Stumptown to see what this crossfit business was all about.

 Another boot-camper and I battled through an intense WOD and left the gym sweaty, accomplished and with permanent smiles plastered on our faces. I loved it. 

I felt so absurdly powerful, pushing my body to its limits. When my legs said  NO MORE JUMPING, I jumped higher. 

Incredible. I really CANNOT wait until I can sneak out there again. 

I should mention that I don't mean this to be a comparison between the two programs, but rather a sharing of my excitement for some crazy intense exercise.

Now for all you other crossfitters out there--- I highly recommend checking out the Lurong Living Paleo Challenge. Very similar to the Whole30 in diet, but also incorporates WODs, benchmarks, photos and lots of awesome prizes. The nationwide challenge begins September 17 and runs through Nov. 18. 

I am super excited to share my progress!