Wednesday, December 5, 2012

move around, lift heavy things, sprint

I have been neglecting my crossfit gym lately. But I have a good excuse!

I bought a HOUSE.

oh HOUSE. Or really I bought a constant source of stress that requires immense physical, as well as financial exertion.

Anyone who has moved knows how exhausting it can be. As I was collapsing onto my makeshift bed on night two, I was feeling oh so guilty for not hitting up the gym between packing, unpacking, painting, cleaning and tearing my hair out.

But then I remembered that it is not about hours spent at the gym (or box or whatever you want to call it).

I totally fulfilled the the philosophy, as I understand it, behind the paleo/primal and subsequently crossfit, lifestyle during my move.

  • Move around a lot at a slow pace: Cleaning, packing, crying for four days straight pretty much covers that
  • Lift heavy things: I have a really awesome packing style where I put all the heaviest things conveniently in one giant box. Then I enjoy struggling to carry it out to the car, because of course I don't have a dolly, and then I'll quickly decide to drop set it down in a mud puddle. I'll then lift that beast back up, attempting not to throw my back out, and shove it into the car. 
  • Sprint occasionally:  My lovely animals have made sure I get my fair share of sprinting. I now understand the expression "herding cats" but probably more literally than others... sigh....

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