Everyone and their mom is talking about the Seahawks' monstrous win over the Broncos yesterday. 43-8. I feel bad for Denver. Seriously. But go Hawks!
Anyway. One month ago, I made some substantial goals for 2014. In order to keep myself accountable, I'm doing a monthly progress report. I have a tendency to do two things: 1. Get discouraged when I don't instantly meet my goals and 2. Forget what I'm working towards.
This year I am desperately trying not to fall into the trap of forgetting my goals by Valentines Day.
The media doesn't help--- advertisements and specials for gym memberships, health food, and cleanses last up until Jan 31.
Then Feb 1 hits--- valentines day.
Seriously. Red and pink confectionery sugars are all up in my business.
And no matter what health kick I'm on.... well... chocolate is still my friend.
But anyway.
Goal progress.
Life goals
- Complete the Artists Way by September 1
- Haven't started yet.. wah wah.
- Make Grad School Happen:
- Turned in my application materials Jan 30, just waiting for PSU to get back to me!!!
- Read 10 books this year:
- Currently reading "Wolf Hall" Its a little slow right now... but I'm making my way through it.
- Creative Cooking:
- I've tried numerous new recipes and its been awesome.
- Celebrate the small stuff:
- Our jar of happy moments is slowly but surely filling up! So much to celebrate!
Fitness Goals
- WOD an average of 4x/week:
- A little under average right now. I was out sick with a RAGING flu for a solid week. This week, I'm headed into dental surgery. No doubt I'll pick right back up!
- Complete 60 doubleunders, unbroken:
- I'm at fifteen. Slowly but surely....
- Handstands will be my bitch:
- Okay. Havent even tried. I'm being a wimp.
- Deadlift more than 300lbs:
- My current PR is #265.
- Backsquat with 195lbs:
- Current is #175
- Compete at least three times:
- Looking at the CrossFit Open, hoping I can make it happen with work.
- Drop #25 by July 1:
- This one is painfully slow moving. I've started taking more photos and its awesome to see new muscle definition. And we've cleaned up our eating substantially. Progress is not limited to the scale, but sometimes I long for the days where I could lose like four pounds a week.
HOUSE goals
- Paint the living room once:
- We've picked out some lovely gray paint and are starting next week!
- Replace the back-fence:
- We've decided to do a living fence and are planting some really pretty bamboo (in beds) along the back line.
- Build garden by April 1:
- The yard is marked and ready to go. Just need to buy materials! (and the rain needs to slow down)
- Finish the guest room by July 15:
- SO MUCH PROGRESS HERE! This weekend Shane and I insulated half the garage area, painted the giant black sheath covered wall, ripped down old gross shelving and made the space so much nicer. I'm diving into the room, post surgery!
- Pay off US bank CC by Mar 1
- On track. Thanks IRS
- Pay off Elan CC by Dec 1
- Consolidated our debt through Advantis to make this easier.
- Reduce total CC debt to less than $1000
- May need to adjust this. Our fabulous roommate is leaving which means so is our rental income. Wah wah.
- Pay off the damn car by Dec 31
- On track!
- Transfer $50 week to savings (and leave it there, seriously)
- Doin it!
- US bank paid off
- Attempted a handstand
- Living room painted
- Garage room painted
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