An extra two to three days makes a big difference, don't ya think?
So I am raging through my 2014 goals
I made some crazy promise of having attempted the following by now:
- US bank paid off
- Attempted a handstand
- Living room painted
- Garage room painted
Paid off US Bank, and promptly filled it back up with a h20 heater and wedding expenses....
Life is expensive and unpredictable. Fun Fact.
I attempted a handstand and it was TERRIFYING. Like absolutely terrible.

Clearly, I just need to get over it. But whatevs.
Shane and I are starting the 28 day Handstand Challenge with Chris Salvato. If you are also terrified of going upside down, check out his program. We are pretty pumped.
February did heed some successes!
I finished revamping the garage guest room.
This is what I was workin with when I bought the house:
This room was terrfying, dark and dirty.
Its been through a variety of transformations, but here is where it settled:
Not the
best photos, because I stole them from a video. But the room is totally
We insulated, painted, furnished and successfully
destroyed (on purpose, even) the giant closet that took over the room
Now, we have a space that's totally functional as an office, craft space, rehearsal room, and most importantly- guest room!
The room that's 98% finished in the house, as of February, is our living room. Our grown-up furniture was delivered and the place is starting to finally feel like our home.
Before.... Yes. the ceiling is yellow...
And after...
A little panoramic shot.... And that will be the final paint color of the room for at least a year.
In other news...
I am competing in the CrossFit Open. Woot woot.
I completed 14.1 on Saturday, and my performance was dismal at best. I could not for the life of me string my double-unders together and it killed my score. It was like I lost any progress I'd been making. I'm really hoping the next four workouts are better. I'm not even remotely expecting to place anywhere, I'm treating this as a check in to see where I am at. Though in a few years, I'd like to make it to regionals, because holy hell that'd be awesome.
March is the start of busy season for work, so I'll really need to focus in order to meet some goals.
This month, I will:
- Complete the Handstand Challenge
- Read two books (I'm working my way through Chronicles of Narnia)
- Practice double-unders every day I'm at CFST
- Replace back fence
- Build two garden beds
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