Thursday, August 9, 2012

Whole30/9: Slip and Slide

The past couple days have been littered with little slips here and there.

  • Clinking a couple PBRs in honor of my lovely lady Danielle, who is leaving Portland for grad school in the exotic land of LA.
  • Desperation dark chocolate mid afternoon of stressful days. 
Yes Dove, Someone is thinking I should put the chocolate away and focus.


But, I refuse to beat myself up over it.
Instead, I look at the situation and then move on. Why did I make that choice? All in all, I think the importance of the whole30 is being cogniscent of food choices. Why am I doing what I am doing? Boredom? Stress? Social pressures? Doesnt seem like eating should be so complicated.

Yet, it is! I am in the thick of It Starts with Food, by the lovely couple who started Whole9 (and subsequently Whole30). It is fascinating. The book immerses you in all the science behind food; how it reacts and interacts with our body, from digestion to hormonal responses. And it does so in a way that is not overwhelming or too dense to comprehend.

I highly recommend it. It actually helps keep me on track.

We all have those days. "why the fuck can't I just eat the damn cookie" Well.... let me go back to my book and discover alllllll of the sad things that cookie does to my body, emotional and physical. If I understand those and make the decision that it is still okay to eat it then fine, but usually by the time I have thought about whether or not the chocolatey goodness is worth it, the NEED has passed.

How do you handle slips? Can you effectively move on without the guilt?

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