Thursday, August 30, 2012

recognizing success

So I've hit a bit of a plateau. I am SIX pounds away from a MAJOR milestone, but have yo-yo-ed around with two pounds for the last month or so.

This has really been getting me down: to be so close! yet seemingly so far!

Feeling not so hot, I was reluctant about meeting up with a friend, who I haven't seen in more than a year. But I mussed my hair, threw on some jeans and slumped out the door to sip an obligatory beer (that my tummy later regretted).

I showed up and she did a double take, didn't really say anything and then handed me this photo, as a present.

This is me and my fabulous dog Moe at the beach in July 2011. I was shocked by this photo. I didn't really recognize myself or realize how much my body has changed since then. (note I am not the furry creature... jackasses)
20 pounds later, May 25 2012

down 35 pounds, coated in mud after Foam Fest. Aug 2012

I've lost a total of 37lbs since the top photo, I'm down two pant sizes, I found muscles I didn't know existed and I am incomparably happier with my life.

While I am continuing to work my butt off, I am pausing to say HEY LADY YOU'RE FUCKING AWESOME.

So I shake my fist at those last six pounds, I'll get you.

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